Sunday, 3 February 2019


The trips to the local shop to buy enough groceries for one or two days' cooking, which, now looking back, were, in late evenings and nights, I would have felt ambivalent about. 

As they were trips which I would have wanted to avoid, due to having to pass this or that dead person's tomb, especially those of anybody who had recently died. 

In case their duppies might be following me, and which, probably not surprisingly, lead to me having to be regularly looking behind me. 

Just in case that sudden fear I am feeling, that movement, that figure, probably a cat or a dog, I am sure I saw when I quickly looked behind me, was a duppy cat or dog following me. 

Giving and reinforcing my then sense of someone, or something following me, and causing me to walk that faster, before giving in to the urge to run as fast as I can to through the narrow track to the shop. 

But it was not all about avoidance. I would have to confront my fears again, on the return journey home. 

But this time it would have been mitigated by whatever treat I would have bought with the little money I was given as an inducement for going to the shop. 

Or the half a dozen or dozen biscuits which I would have added to the memorised list my dear mother had given me, but which she most certainly had included. 

I could get away with it until the fateful day when my dear mother would have gone to pay for the groceries she had trusted, and found that she had to be paying for items she had not trusted.

To be continued!

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