Friday, 8 February 2019


Even when they, changes, have been made, if they are not nurtured and consolidated, thing will, in time, return to their original state.

I suspect that my dear mother's unhappy childhood, has, in part, been a result of the 'skin colour/shade hierarchy.' 

Which has and continues to be one of the sad and poignant legacy of the colonial the slave-ocratic and colonial history of the country of her birth. 

It is an ambivalent perspective which is not unique to the country of her birth, but, it seems, to all post-slaveocratic and colonial societies.

But let us not delve into such pathos too deeply. After all, my intention was, and remains that of revisiting my past to recall times when she had and demonstrated the authority which has clearly eludes her now. 

And which she clearly resents not being able to exercise as she would like to exercise it.

Of course it is not surprising that my dear mother should be feeling the level of dissatisfaction, resentment even, and most probably, loneliness which is now, in her latter years, be consuming her. 

After all, she has not only been a beautiful woman in her younger years, but she has also been a very strong and resourceful mother and provider for her many children. 

As I have probably noted earlier, she was not much given to being a mother who was very or overly demonstrative of her affection towards her children. 

To be continued!

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