Monday, 25 February 2019


The logic of your argument does not escape me. And I can imagine that you were going to say, 'no God ordained plan within which to fit humans and decree some sacred purpose for their/your existence.' Or something similar to that.

T.: I could not, as us humans do tend to say, L.G., put it better. It is as if you were reading my thoughts.

L.G.: Really, T? You are not suggesting that I am upto my purported old tricks again, indulging in a bit of voyeurism; are you, T?

T.: Not really, L.G. After all, it is probably not at all surprising that you should seem to be able to 'read my thoughts.'  

Considering that, as another old saying of us humans noted, 'God in all of us', probably because each of us is our own God. 

Just as how each of us must find our own purpose for continuing to live, while we are alive. Even if it is only our fear of dying.

L.G.: Yes, it really is as localise and seemingly mundane, probably even as simple as that, T. I have no grand plan for humans. 

You are born and you live and follow your fate towards your eventual destiny; your death and re-absorbtion into the infinity of space and time. 

Like trillions of other composite matter. And for that, you humans should be grateful.  

To be continued!

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