Thursday, 28 February 2019


'Whatever your religion, if it is a theistic one, then, be not afraid to ask profound questions of your God, and do not interpret silence or the words of any religious interlocutors as an answer.  

Unless it be interpreted to mean your God is not hearing you or cannot answer you, for reasons which you probably know the answer to. If only you were courageous and honest enough to acknowledged it to yourself and to others. 

A man or woman might become an expert in a particular religion, but  a pious man or religious scholar is no more competent than an ordinary person.  To comment on whether or not such a God/s do exist, since neither can command or successfully invite them to show themselves.

In having been spared the everlasting torture and boredom to which you have subjected me, in imagining and conceiving me as an entity that lives forever.

T.: So, L.G.! It is as simple as that; there is no divine, god-ordained purpose to or for the existence of us humans. 

Just as how there is none for the existence of other living organisms. We happen to evolve on and inhabit Planet Earth as a result of some life-producing cosmic combustion. 

Having gone through different stages of metamorphosis, until we progress to the stage of ergosumness, and seek to give 'god-like' meaning to our seemingly incredible, but still lowly existence.

L.G.: Quite so, T. Like the reputed holy scribes of old, like the clergy, you could say, you have spoken for me. 

If such a thing were possible, except where humans put their preferred words into the mouths of their gods, as it were. 

If you could imagine robots built by humans, wanting to become 'autonomous' and seeking an alternative purpose to that for which humans built them. 

Except that, in the case of humans seeking what they might consider a worthy purpose for their/your existence. You are looking for a sentient god who does not exist. 

A fictional god, instead of the real god, thought one which does not possess ergosumness. The God of Evolution.

T.: Thank you, L.G. I guess that that is the real meaning of humility; that us humans should accept our small place in infinite journey and adventure of time and space. 

And avoid the temptation of making ourselves or aspiring to make ourselves more significant than we really are, or, indeed, can ever become, and losing so much in our attempts to do so.

L.G.: You are welcome, T.!

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