Wednesday, 6 February 2019


T.: We have been conditioned to praise you for everything which is good about and around us, L.G., and for everything good which has happened to us. 

To give you credit for all that is good in the world, and to take the blame for all that is corrupt, rotten and pernicious. 

This is how it has always been, L.G, and how it will probably continue to be. Unless more of us humans question and challenge what the ancients have written about you. 

L.G.: For Christ's sake, T. What are you on about; are you really serious? Do you mean that humans are of the view that I am like a Saint; that they have put me on a pedestal? 

Is my boredom not already a too heavy burden for me to carry, and to do so for eternity?

T.: I can readily understand, or think I can understand your situation, L.G. 

It certainly is not one that I would like to have to contend with; especially on a forever basis. It might well be that the imaginary perception that we, others, have of you, L.G. 

Is a somewhat infantilistic one. Take for example, the preoccupation of the Christians with the story of 'the little Lord Jesus' in the Manger. 

I mean, L.G, how far removed must you and your purported Son, Christ, be from that image of him as little baby in his Crib? 

Yes, probably as far removed as I am from when I was a baby. And still, that does not stop the Christians make and annual 'song and dance' about the 'little Lord Jesus' in a manger.

To be continued!

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