Sunday, 10 February 2019


Some people are very secretive about how they select, prepare and cook the foods they eat. 

Which is probably not surprising for the more entrepreneurially  oriented ones, but is not limited to them. 

With so-called 'ethnic foods' being big business.  It is not only the business investors who are being secretive and wanting to 'trademark' and patent recipes which belongs to a whole group of people, and even nations. 

Though much of the ingredients will or might be the same, those of us who want to 'personalise' the recipe will declare that, while that might be the case, we have added 'factor X, and/or Y' to it. 

Which makes it uniquely 'ours.' And, yes, oftentimes that will be the case. As 'factor x and/or y', might not be the magic ingredient that we might be alluding to. 

But simply or particularly the manner in which we combine the ingredients we use, stark or subtle changes in how we prepare, process and cook them. 

A formula, which, we will assert, gives our finished product a unique taste, flavour and texture, so help our god. 

Not sure how that saying really has any meaning in this or any of the context in which it is used, but there you have it.

No, even ordinary people can become very possessive about their 'ethnic foods', and how they prepare and cook it, in, they would argue, 'the authentic manner.'

To be continued!

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