In general, it seems to be the case that, us humans, in all or most of what we do, do have a tendency to 'occupy the middle', instead of the left, extreme left, or the right or extreme right.'
'Put your money where you mouth is', is the challenge of the person who is either certain of the accuracy of his/her position, of is seeking to bluff his/her challenger into capitulating.
Similarly, many of us will be au fait with the somewhat contemptuous phrase of 'action speaks louder than words', which we use to goad others who we believe are just talking rubbish.
This latter jibe, if you will, probably goes to the heart of the challenge.
Since it presumes or presupposes that no rational or responsible human being would commit their presumable hard earned money and other resources.
To testing or trying to prove something which the consider to be too risk and unlikely to prove successful.
And so it is, that us human's function on several levels, almost as if sometimes or everytime, we rehearse the actions which we are thinking of performing.
To be continued!
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