Sunday, 3 February 2019


Us humans, both as individuals, families, communities and nations, also need a stable, secure and peaceful environment in which to realise more of our potential. 

For this to happen, we need to have healthy economies. Yes, it is mostly about the economy being healthy. It is said that possession is 9/10th of the law. 

Well, if that is so, being the beneficiary of a health economy is probably 9/10ths of what it takes to achieve a state of sustainable happiness for us humans. 

But, as we should all know by now, like most things, it is natural that a nation's economy will ebb and flow.  

As demands are changed, as the means of production, distribution and exchange are changed, and new suppliers and markets join the competition.

But probably what troubles me more than anything, is the increasing spirit of impermanence which has been permeating the globe for the past several decades at least. 

There is, I would contend, a perception, a palpable feeling of 'here today, gone tomorrow.' 

Of things and ideas which have been built and nurtured for many decades, even hundreds of years.  Now being targeted by the elite minority and the social media-led and influenced classes for destruction. 

And of it taking place at a faster rate than us humans can properly accommodate and assimilate. 

All of which can, and, I would argue, result in a traumatic global psychological and social trauma. 

We cannot keep up with our expectations of, and demands for 'immediate changes', and changes for the better. 

Changes which we probably do not full understand, or are equipped to make and maintain. 

To be continued!

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