'When us humans, irrespective of our increasing knowledge and enlightenment, uncritically allow the rituals and fictitious beliefs of our ancestors to to be our guide in the present and the future. Then, we become slaves to the past, and an obstacle to the evolutionary and philosophical progression of our species.'
She whom the Christian God has reportedly chosen as the mother of his Son, Jesus Christ.
A woman's whose virtue apparently is beyond repute, despite the 'fact' that she gave birth to God's Son.
Having done so while she was Joseph's wife, and still does not apparently pose any dilemmas, moral, logic or otherwise, for the Christian Church.
Arguably, Mary is the symbolic 'mother of the Christian Church.
Mary is a woman of great substance and elevation in the annals of Christianity, as well as being venerated by the Islamic religion.
And what of the young mother of the infant covered in swaddling clothes; how does she compare with MM?
Well, Shamima Begum is certainly no Mary Magdalene. Yes, she is a woman, and now a mother, having just given birth to her 3 and only surviving child.
But she is also only 19 years old, and, unlike Mary, has now been made stateless, on top of her homelessness.
Which has resulted from the imminent defeat of the territorial barbaric version of Islam which she has been seduced by and been successfully radicalised into.
Unlike Mary, whom we are told, was a woman of immaculateness, clothed in the appearance of holiness, as conceived by us humans, if you like.
To be continued!
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