Saturday, 23 March 2019


Which include what our parents have told or taught us. What we have learnt from our observations our environment has taught us. 

And what we have learnt from the societies and peoples amongst whom we live and have knowledge about. 

And, finally, tribes, what we have made of what we have seen, heard and felt. 

Reflecting on my past and present, I cannot recall any occasions when I had been privy to any anti-Jew debate or discussion. 

My parents have never had discussion with me, in which they spoke hatefully of Jewish people. 

I had never attended any political meetings or had any discussion with my peers, in which anti-Jewish sentiments were raised. 

At least, probably outside of how people who define themselves as belonging to one class, one ethnic group, one religious faith, et al. 

Might tend to show some animosity towards other classes, ethnic group, religions, et al. 

I have simply never been privy any expression of what might be called 'rabid antisemitism.'

To be continued!

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