Thursday, 14 March 2019


Did any deception occurred in what had been alleged, affirmed to have happened between Mary Magdalene and Jehovah God?

Was Joseph aware of what was to have taken place between his wife and Jehovah God, and was he given any choice about what he could do about it?

The answers to both questions seem be, no; Joseph was not given any choice by God. He was confronted with a fait acompli. 

He pretty much had to do what God asked of him or was reported to have asked of him. Of course, we do not know the full details of what took place. 

As the story of the birth of Christ, reading the account given in Matthew, Chapter 1 of the Bible, does not suggest that Joseph was the narrator; the person telling the story.

In summary, according to, The Gospel According to Matthew, 1, 18:25, the circumstances surrounding Christ's birth was 'foretold' or 'prophesied ' sometime before the actual birth. 

It is not clear if it is Matthew who is the narrator of the events. What we do know is that the narrator seems to be quoting, in part, at least, "the angel of the Lord." 

Matthew also tells the reader that it was in his dream that "the angel of the Lord" approached Joseph. 

To be continued!

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