Monday, 1 April 2019


But, of course not all Jews were or are capitalist. Just as how it was never the case that all white Europeans were slave owners. 

And were responsible for the enslavement of Africans and other indigenous peoples. 

Even if it often very tempting, if not analytically indolent, to paint things into just 'black and white', as it were.

Just as how the maligning of Jewish people as, as it were, the archetypal capitalists'' has taken hold in Western culture and Christendom. 

With it having its origins in this context, the fact that Christendom made it illegal for the Jews living in its sphere, to have no other occupation than than of money lending. 

And what thanks do the Jews get for providing the essential funding for Christendom's industrial and commercial advancement? 

To be maligned, just as how the conflict between 'capital' and 'labour' has been fought over the centuries. 

But with the added perniciousness of labelling all Jews as being of lesser humanity than their white European compatriots. 

To be continued!

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