Sunday, 7 April 2019


It is probably one of the a number of all things which all sentient humans will have considered at some points in their journey of life. The perennial questions of: 'Is there a God'?  

A living God, as it were. And, if there is a God, what does this 'God looks like? And here, the common convention, the received 'wisdom', is that 'God' looks like us humans. 

More contemporaneously, however, humans who are not bounded by convention, by 'received wisdom.' 

Have raised the possibility, the probability even, that, it is not 'God', who has made humans in 'his own image, but that it is us humans who have 'made God' in our own image. 

A theory which I would consider to be more plausible than the converse. 

Except probably the fact that that seems to run counter to what we see of the 'Abrahamic religions', Christianity, Judaism and Islam. 

Which, unlike at least some of the many other religions, have tended to represent 'God' and the more 'important' religious figures, the prophets, the priests, et al, as men. 

Suggesting that there is quintessential 'maleness' about 'god.' 

Whereas, if 'God' was, indeed made by us humans, in our own image, we might have expected 'God' to be neither 'male nor female' or to reflect the duality of both 'male and female.

To be continued! 

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