Sunday, 14 April 2019


When we know or should, by now, having countries such as Iraq, Libya, Yemen, and parts of Syria.  

As examples, that, destroying what you have, however pitiful and inadequate it is or might appear. 

Before you have the means to put in place a better system or structure, in a timely fashion, is to do a terrible injustice to the people. Including those on whose behalf and interests you presume to be acting.

Which is why, it seems to me, that what has happened in Sudan, what is happening in Sudan now, is unlikely to end well for the people of Sudan. 

Which is why it seems to me, that the people of Sudan should be crying and going into anticipatory grief for what they are about to lose.  

And without any certainty of gaining something better to replace it. 

They are not at risk of only losing what is bad about their President and their government, but also what is good and progressive about their society. 

A good government is needed to guide and lead a country, but it takes more than a good government to make a 'good country, nation. 

After all to what extent people only want their government as an entity to blame for all that is wrong with their lives. 

Like a child will look to their parents to care for them, and hold them accountable if they are not able to do so.

To be continued!

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