Could it be that all of this destruction of the economies and developmental potential and capacity o Muslim countries in the Middle East.
That this is all parts of a long-term strategic plan by the United States to subjugating their people and resources to meeting the interests of American 'deep-state elites', and not those of their own countries?
There is some, if not much validity in the view that the United States has already dominated the world, at least in many respects.
But, could it be that the American 'deep-state', 'the self-appointed dynastic guides of the American Establishment or firm', as it were. Are intended on taking over the world planet, and making it into the image of their perception?
That they want every country on the Good Planet Earth to become like they imagine their country to be, and that, only then, will they accept, respect and behave towards them without great enmity?
Do these Americans want all other nations to become versions of themselves.
To think like them, believe in their Christianity, and mouth their commitment to the United State's version of 'democracy and freedom.'
Though, like the millions of poor and alienated Americans, particularly those of colour, who are perceived and treated as second or third class citizen.
To be continued!
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