It is axiomatic of the vanity and conceit of politicians, that, even after the spectacular failure of the combative Prime Minister May. Her colleagues with even less acumen, should be making blatant promises about how they will deliver the 'golden fleece' to the British people.'
And ignore the logical functioning of their intellect, which should be warning them that it is a bad, even catastrophic idea for Britain to leave the European Union and go it alone.
So, while it is undoubtedly the case that Prime Minister May and many in her government and the civil service.
Have done a lot of commendable work to prepare Britain to carry out the very complex and high risk operation of cutting itself out of the European Union.
On the whole, I fear that Prime Minister May's effort has been in vain.
Probably because she has spent too much time pursuing the wrong option for the country.
She should, I believe, have been working on educating the British people and calling another referendum on whether Britain should remain in or leave the European Union, despite the costs of either options.
People's lives, their quality of life, their jobs, their homes and their feeling of stability and security are more important than 'democratic ideas', and 'ideas about true democracy.'
There are times when leaders, and nations have to pursue logical courses, and not make themselves slaves to decisions which have been compromised or negated by real-life events.
To be continued!
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