Saturday, 18 May 2019


Hamilton is the Master who had had his nose rubbed into it, whatever it might have been, probably his pride, during Practice and Qualifying. 

That would have been enough motivation for him to do all he can, and was capable of doing, to pull the aspiring and highly motivated Bottas back. 

Lewis knew what he had to do. Working with Team Mercedes, he had but to find and synced himself and his car with the GW, and not let go of it. 

The invisible 'Golden Wire' which had been strung around the Spanish Grand Prix Circuit, and which is certain to deliver the race to he who finds and takes hold of it. 

Having found and taken hold of it on 3 previous occasions, Hamilton believed it to still be in his tenure, and he was not ready to relinquish it to his team mate. 

Irrespective of how well the intrepid Bottas had performed during the pre-race sessions. 

Lewis Hamilton knew that his team mate just wanna win races, and that he would not have been motivated by any desire to 'embarrass' or 'disrespect' him. 

But that was how he, Hamilton felt; it was a feeling thing, and Hamilton might have felt embarrassed, disrespected and threatened. It might have caused Rosberg 2016 to cloud Hamilton's mind, temporarily.  

To be continued!

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