Thursday, 27 June 2019


It is one which they hope will manifest itself as being their 'dol'; their day of liberation from Europe. 

When they will become 'the masters of their own fate', whatever that fate may be.

But not so for those who Britons who believe that the fate of Europe, of the world, is much more likely to be a better one, if people and nations form and maintain alliance and work together for the common good. 

For the prosperity of all, and not just the more fortunate and stronger ones. 

For these Britons, to a large extent, the 31st October 2019 could or will be the confirmation of 'their death sentence.' 

The death of their aspirations, hopes and dreams for a better Britain and a better and more inclusive world. 

While Britain's Brexithood might yet result in being a suicidal folly for the Brexiteers. For those Britons who oppose it, its failure will not be a suicidal folly for them. 

It will be an act of homicide by the Brexiteers who have railroaded the nation into it. With misguided cries of 'democracy' and 'democratic values.'

The Britons who oppose Brexit, will not be 'making sacrifices' for its achievement. Because one does not 'make a sacrifice' which you have been forced or compelled 'to make.' It is an act of submission to coercion.

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