Sunday, 16 June 2019


It was a very memorable and charged event, and one which should not be reduced to being seen mostly or solely through the misfortune which has befallen Team Ferrari and Vettel,

So, a Very Big Congratulation to Team Mercedes and Hamilton, for having, with a little help from the Gods, pulled off another seemingly unlikely Grand Prix win. 

Also a Very Big Congratulation to Team Mercedes and Vettel and Charles Leclerc, for having made it to P.2 and 3. 

Having, with obvious difficulties, contained their emotions and being able to keep it together after Vettel's unfortunate error.

It is probably not helpful that the Canadian Grand Prix had became mostly about the battle or incident between Hamilton and Vettel, but that is how it has transpired. 

Which was a shame, as, prior to the penalised incident, it had been, in my opinion, much more than that, and a very exciting race.

But let me not give any more energy to the controversy. ~Let us learn to appreciate and enjoy one race at a time, however predictable we might think the outcome of the 2019 Drivers' Championship could be.

As we look forward to the French Grand Prix this weekend, let me end by congratulation all the racers and their teams.  For having their valuable contribution toward giving us an exhilarating and accident free 2019 Canadian Grand Prix race.

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