Tuesday, 11 June 2019


It becomes an enforced one, and one which is enforced, at times, by the minority manipulating the power elites into putting into place the necessary systematic structures to achieve it.

According to the guardians of 'western democracy', 'democracy' is the ideal form of government, since it allows the people to not so much decide how they are govern.

 Since most of them will have inherited, born into the particular system of government which they have come to accept. 

But rather because they, the people, by way of casting their votes, decide which party or movement governs them. 

The 'western system of 'democratic' government', is a 'commoditised' one to a greater degree than those of other forms of governments. 

Since it allows the competing parties to advertise and market their promised policies and candidates, like any other or most commodities within the 'free market system.

Now, it is my belief that, for the masses of people all over the world, what they want to do most of all, is to be left to get on with their lives; with living. 

And for government to become as little involved as possible, unless it is intervening to bring them relief from some major disaster/s.  

Or to otherwise help them in a way that they consider to be a positive intervention. 

To be continued!

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