Friday, 14 June 2019


Such as effectively regulating and preventing the ecologically, environmentally and hazardous activities of unscrupulous individuals, groups and companies.  

Through dispossessing communities of their lands, their rights, and criminally exploiting and damaging the ecosystem and environment.

Outside of this context, whether it is under the sphere of 'western 'democracy'', or Chinese , Russian and Cuban 'hybrid socio-capitalism', or any other forms of government. 

People just want to be left to, as much as possible, do their own thing in getting on with their day-to-living. And to gradually improve their livelihoods.

Of course, it is one thing when your government has taken it upon itself to tell you what to do and when and how to do it. 

But it is quite another when that government has taken it even further, by telling you how and what to think, and severely curtail what you can and cannot say. 

When it moves from trying to control you body and your movements.  To trying to control your thoughts and speech. By the introduction of a 'system of political correctness.' 

In this, even the established 'western democratic' systems of government, have, or seem to be on their way to surpassing. 

To be continued! 

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