Monday, 17 June 2019


Those governments which the West has been arguing, are 'despotic', 'authoritarian', and 'undemocratic.' 

It does not help that societies in the west has tended to argue that, them telling people to think, speak and act in a 'politically correct' way, is for the good of society in general. 

How can it; when those countries behaving as if they are or are perceived as being less 'democratic.' 

Are also telling their people that the restrictions their ruling elites are placing on their thinking, speaking and behaviour , are also for the 'good of society?'

I mean, imagine if the philosophers, the rulers, the 'great and enlightened - at least for their epochs.  

Who have done so much to wrest the world of the Middle Ages out of the stagnant pool or pond of conformity, in which we have been embedded for centuries, if not thousands of years. 

Had not dared to think and act different from the norm, what might have become of the 'Age of Reason', the birth and nurturing of human enlightenment? 

Is this not the same undifferentiated uniformity which many of the advocates and practitioners of 'political correctness' wants to take humans back to?

To be continued!

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