Tuesday, 11 June 2019


But what of the the unsighted person; the person whose eyes no longer, if ever they did, blessed them with the experiences which are available to the sighted person? 

For these of our fellow humans,  daylight, the rising of the Sun, does not bring with it the dispelling of the darkness. 

And any 'night-panic' which it might have harboured. For them, the sighted person might imagine, rightly or wrongly, that the world does not exist in the extremes and gradations of light and dark, or darkness. 

But in a permanent state of darkness. There is no relief. And yet, for someone who has to live or try to live healthily and happily in 'the world of darkness.' 

Might they not have to 'grade' their darkness into gradations of shades of darkness?

Except for those of us who are dependent on our particular senses for our livelihood, we are likely to be in danger of taking all or particular ones for granted. 

That is not surprising, since, again, except for those who use a given sense to sustain their profession, say, our senses are quite capable of functioning, doing their job automatically. 

They do not need us to be always conscious of what and how they are doing what they are supposed to do. 

To be continued!

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