Friday, 21 June 2019


The chef and the wine connoisseur depend on their sense of taste and smell more than most people to be able to continue to do their jobs. 

The fighter pilot and the racing driver look to their sense of sight to keep them out of harms way, as the earlier you see the approaching obstacle or danger the more time you have to react. 

But for the majority of us humans, our senses are seemingly taken for granted. They are things, functions which we have and use without having to think of them; mostly.

We only truly consciously value our senses when we lose any of them. 

And probably the most critical of our senses, at least from the perspective of a sight person, who has not had to make the compensations and other adjustments of unsighted person. 

Yes, it seems to me that, being sighted is or is nearly important of our human sensors, as far as living is concerned.

Which is why, on considering the matter, I admire the persistent courage of the unsighted person. 

Not least because, having the sight which they do not have, and knowing how great a difference it makes to my experience of living. 

I consider them to be of greater courage than me and sighted others like me.

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