Thursday, 29 August 2019


Which later evolved into becoming, Jamaica, from Africa. 

It is unlikely that Shaka's blood-line or lineage, were he to trace it, would take him back to the famous and indubitably courageous Maroons of Jamaica.  

Who were the descendants of the first slaves brought to the Island, by its first European colonisers, the Spaniards. 

Before they were freed and/or freed themselves, during the ensuing turmoil when the British attacked and drove the Spaniard from the island in, according to Wikipedia, around 1655.

Thus bringing to a close their 160 or so year reign over Jamaica, which began in May 1494.  

When Christopher Columbus landed his three ships at what later became known as Discovery Bay, of the cost of what would later be called ST Ann, of of the 14 parishes of Jamaica. 

No, it is more likely that Shaka's family tree would take him back to the later arrival of slaves brought from West Africa.  

And probably people coming from the Mediterranean and slave-owning white plantation owners, who form the not obvious components of his ethnic composition.

To be continued!

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