Friday 13 September 2019


Which, when it rained heavily, would cut the district off from the rest of the neighbouring districts, such as Surge Island, Bath, Seaforth and Whitehall. 

Due to the district being cut of by the Johnson River, running from its north-west to south-east, and the inaccessible hills and mountain ranges of the Blue Mountains running along the length of its northern boundary with the parish from that of Portland. 

A major problem for the village, and one which the authorities would try to relieve.  

By cutting a road in the wooded and hilly loose soil land in the east of the village, towards Whitehall. 

An act of folly which resulted in major erosion problems, as the now denuded soil fell prey to the heavy rains and caused major erosion problems for both the new road and the affected lands surrounding it.

The family lived in a two bedroom house, made of timber, with its roof made of sheets of zinc. 

To be continued!

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