Sunday 29 September 2019


Big Congratulation to Team Ferrar and Charles Leclerc and Sebastian Vettel, for having continued their still unbroken dominance of the second half of the 2019 Formula 1 season, by making it a P.1 and P.3 during Qualifying session on Saturday.

Big Congratulation to Team Mercedes and Lewis Hamilton for making it to P.2, after a brilliant final lap during Q.3, though not as brilliant as that of Leclerc, and probably partly aided by Vettel having made a mistake in his final lap.

And so it is, that Team Mercedes' travail continues, since they returned to the battle with Teams Ferrari and Red Bull, after the summer break. 

From their once dominant position - in winning races apparently somewhat effortlessly - Team Mercedes and their star racer, Lewis Hamilton.  

Have had to consigned themselves to the humbling and most probably shell-shocked position of relearning how to feel and react to being, yes, beaten by the opposition. 

It is not that Team Mercedes is not still in a position to win the 2019 Formula 1 Championship, because they still are, though they are in danger of doing so with the kind of points margin they previously seemed likely to have over their competitors.

Naturally, or, understandably, this is not a new position or role that Team Mercedes and their racers will feel comfortable in and want to get used to. 

After all, Team Ferrari and their racers' newly found dominance is a testimony to that; that no team or racer wants to accept and get used to not winning grand prix. 

Winning races, after all, is the biggest incentive for being in Formula 1; next to winning championships.

So, how has Team Ferrari progressed to the stage where they can extract an 8/10ths lead over the previously reliable winning machine/system which Team Mercedes has become over the past several seasons? 

Has Team Mercedes been too busy winning, became complacent, or lack the required advanced technical enhancements and ran themselves into the ground? Has Team Mercedes peaked, plateaued and must now give way to Team Ferrari, and team......?

For the answers to these and other similar questions, the outcome of the 2019 Russian Grand Prix should provide us with some indications. 

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