Sunday 6 October 2019


Had done more for the other than you had actually done. Looking back through the famed 'rose tinted prism of reflection.'

Seemingly, it would appear that my dear mother's perception of what I now do for her, is forming a smaller image on her retina, than the much larger image of what she had done for me, being projected onto the retina of her memory of the past. 

And yet, let me not be too judgemental of my dear mother, because her way of seeing, of perceiving of the world and its apparent unfairness, is not unique. 

It is, it might be, it is likely to be no more than a phenomenon which is experienced, to a lesser or greater degree, by all of us humans who are blessed or cursed to live to comparatively advanced ages.

As we advance into our senior years, many of us might find that we have to work harder to extract more satisfaction, pleasure and happiness out of the circumstances surrounding the different stages of our journey.

But the challenges continue for my dear mother, as they do for others. 

Sight, the ability to see and make sense the physical world, is precious. It is of course the fact that we tend to value each of our senses according to the criticality of the role they play in helping us to make sense of the world. 

And that, for probably the greatest majority of us, it is to the sense of vision, the ability to see with our eyes, that we accord the greatest priority. 

To be continued!

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