Wednesday 9 October 2019


Using the old cliche, people have been moving from one place to another, one country to another, since before time immoral. 

It has been the way of life of the hunter/gatherer, and has only abated when our ancestors found out that, with the development of commerce in not only gathering what nature has bestowed upon them.  

But also cultivating and replenishing what they have taken from nature, they could sustain permanently living in 'a settled place.' 

This adaptation to living in one place was, I would imagine, have been reinforced by the deterrence of risking war, by encroaching on or invading 'the lands of surrounding people's and tribes. 

Yes, we humans might have bigger brains and better and more adaptable intellect and physiology to master our environment more than other primates. 

But, at the most basic level, we are just as 'territorialistic' as the other primates and animals that either want to conquer the world or defend their little bit of it.

So, what is it that causes or could cause a person, a family to want to leave their birth place, their native land and venture into the relative uncertainty of another country and nation? 

To be continued!

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