Sunday 13 October 2019


What is it that might impel them to want to migrate? The answer is both complicated and simple. 

The simple answer could be that they believe, might even be certain that they will or could 'have a better life' in the country they wish or are migrating to. 

The complicated answer would include an appraisal of the 'push and pull factors' which are driving their migration. 

The avoidance and attraction factors in their home environment and those of their desired or intended destination. 

At any given time, the secondary drivers of people migrating can be different, but the core factor, survival or the desire to have a better life, is likely to remain constant. 

It is like that most people, depending on their ability to maintain a life which is worthy of being described as better than mere survival, drudgery and serfdom.  

Will have thought of moving to somewhere where they could realise such a life. 

Without the enforcement of immigration and border controls, it is likely that much of the world would become a permanent caravan of humanity moving hither and thither, in their quest for the 'holy grail of having a better life.'

Given the freedom of movement and the removal of border and immigration controls, both internal and external migration would present a much more formidable challenge than they do today.

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