Friday 25 October 2019


It has now been over 3 years since the British people, or, at least, the 52 per cent of the electorate who voted in the 2016 Referendum to leave the European Union.  

Been waging their war to give effect to what has, erroneously and deceptively, called 'the will of the people.' 

How it has become known as that, as far as the Brexiteers are concerned, is basically because the Brexiteers won the majority of the votes, however small, have deemed it to be 'the will of the British people.' 

For them, it does not matter that time has moved on, and that recent opinion polls have been consistently been showing that a majority of the British people now wants the country to remain in the European Union.

They continue to live in the past and are continuing to argue that the outcome of the 2016 referendum should be seen as representing 'the will of all the British people.' 

For the leavers, and those who are unquestionably wedded to the simplest, or most simplistic definition of 'democracy', the wishes of the majority.  

However small that majority might be, must prevail and be given priority. 

It does not matter what it might cost to implement the wishes of the majority, it is a price that expressed majority, and the opposing minority, must be made to pay.

To be continued!

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