Sunday 27 October 2019


For the Brexiteers, they are of the view that they possess the moral and the 'democratic' high ground. 

They believe that they have won the right to their demand that Britain leaves the European Union. 

They believe and argue that the Remainers, those British people, and, indeed, their allies from other European countries who oppose Britain leaving, does not have a leg to stand on. 

Yes, the Remainers can argue that it is bad and too damaging for Britain to leave its European partners and seek to reestablish its own way in the world. 

That it will be too damaging for Britain, and, indeed, the rest of Europe, in terms of lost jobs, political insecurity, higher cost of living and more restrictive travel and trade arrangements between Britain and the rest of Europe. 

But none of this carry any weight with the Brexiteers. Why, because, probably understandably so, their primary concern is their preoccupation with giving effect to their main goal. 

Which is that, Britain should be for the British; immigration should be greatly restricted, and have greater control over its sovereignty.

To be continued!

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