Tuesday 1 October 2019


Probably in common with many, if not all of the competing teams, Team Mercedes and their racers put in sterling performances. 

Which is why they were able to capitalise on Team Ferrar's misfortunes, especially the hapless Vettel, whose engine gave up on him and forced his retirement.

The result was that Team Mercedes was rewards with their first win since the resumption of the Formula 1 season, after the summer holiday break. 

It was not for lack of trying that Charles Leclerc, following the the recall of the Safety Car, was not able to overtake the seemingly vulnerable and catchable Valterri Bottas.  

Who, despite of Leclerc requesting that his Team gave him all the power they had at their disposal. Just did not have what it took to catch and overtake his potential prey. 

Never mind being able to do anything to threaten Hamilton, who was several seconds ahead of his team mate.

Yes, there was no hoped for rain at the Sochi Circuit, but fate still intervened to help to provide an outcome which, although it was not improbably, was neverless not considered as the most probably one. 

It is an outcome which suggests that Team Mercedes has made some good progress in their fight to successfully fend of Ferrari's attempt to overthrow their dominance of Formula 1, and become the new Lion King. 

And now, as we savour the satisfaction of a seemingly very enjoyable and thrilling Russian Grand Prix, we must await the outcome of the next race, to see if Team Mercedes has regained what it takes to maintain their winning ways.

Big Congratulations to Team Mercedes and Hamilton and Bottas, for their sterling efforts and achievements in making it a 1 -2 Win. Big Congratulation to Team Ferrari and Leclerc, for making it to P.3.
And to Vettel and all the other racers whose race ended prematurely, commiserations.

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