Tuesday 8 October 2019


There are times in our lives when we endeavour to be polite, to share our feelings of pleasure in being alive, living, with others. 

This we sometimes attempt by trying to catch the eyes of a passing fellow human, with the exclamation of a hearty "Hello!", or a "Good morning!", or a "It is a lovely Day"', or a simple "Hiya!" 

And if we are lucky, we will be rewarded with what sometimes seems to be a half-smile combined with an half-frown or mark of semi-disdain. 

Or with a full-blown greeting which leaves no doubt about your original greeting being appreciated. 

On the other hand, if you are out of luck, your greeting will be met with a stony face looking straight ahead and a body which shows no signs of you or your greeting being acknowledged. 

An event which can leave you with feelings of being offended, of your humanity being violated and wounded by a callous act of rejection by your fellow human.

To be continued!

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