Monday 18 November 2019


There are times and stages in the lives and history of a people, when they are deceived or allow themselves to be deceived.  

Into thinking that what is befalling them, is a thing of virtue, of blessing, when it is, in fact, an evil and a curse. 

I time when they might be being given what seems to be a delicious meal or fruit, only to be told, after they have eaten it, that it was poisoned.

This is one of those moments, stages, for the people of Bolivia, in which the forces of darkness, of evil even, are washing over the land.  

And threatening to drown out, obscure the period of enlightenment which President Evo Morales and his MAS movement have brought to the Bolivian nation. 

Yes, this is a seminal, a plague-like period for the people of Bolivia.

With the overthrow of President Evo Morales and his government representing probably a seismic catastrophe for the nation.  

As tragic moment as was the case when the great revolutionary, Che Guavara was murdered on Bolivian soil by the then American backed Bolivian armed forces.

To be continued!

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