Tuesday 12 November 2019


Of course this will not be easy; but then, there is nothing that is easy about the evolution and survival of our human species, or of any other species. 

Survival, like destruction, can be a simple matter of taking the wrong path or route; as binary as that.

The fact is that meeting the challenge of human migration is very much an integral element of the challenge of achieving and maintaining a sustainable local, national, regional, international and global economy. It is also a part of the 'jobs  for all v wages/salary' conundrum'.

There are times when a person can find him/herself in the desperate and unenviable dilemma of having to decide whether to sacrifice one of their limb, an hand or a foot, or internal organ, in order to safe their life. 

The question of whether it is better for a country to draw up the drawbridges and leave the people, the migrants and refugees seeking shelter from the storm or tempest of economic blight or wars, to expire and drown. 

Does bear some semblance to the man or woman who is confronted with the dilemma of whether to give up a limb to same the rest of their life and the rest of their body. 

To be continued!

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