Wednesday 13 November 2019


The immigrant is like a predator in search of the prey of a sustainable job, without which they cannot achieve a viable life and living.

But this is not the real problem for many of the wealthier countries that are opposing the inflow of immigrants, migrants and refugees to their shores and societies. 

The man or woman who has to decide whether to have a limb or internal organ removed from them, has already got a strong attachment and identification with the part/s of their bodies which need to be removed. 

Whereas the country resisting the need, the request to take in migrants and immigrants.  

Has not such attachment with the prospective incomers, and will suffer little or no pain in taking actions which are likely or could lead to their destruction. 

They are in a position where they can perceive themselves to be at no risk of suffering any loss from keeping the immigrants out. 

At least, in the very short term, and when the 'problem/solution' is analysed  from the local, national or micro-level perspective. 

As opposed to the macro-level perspective that holds, argues that, for the health of the human species, all countries need to work together for to achieve a viable solution to our common challenge and problems.

To be continued!

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