Thursday 7 November 2019


This is an organic process, just as how a man and woman have to give up aspects of their individual personas when they marry and form a larger union. 

Just as how the 'immigrant', the 'migrant', has to give up aspects of their identities when they seek to become citizens of their host countries. 

Just as how individual states and tribes have to shed, gradually or quickly or gradually, forcefully or organically, to become full members of the larger states they have to become integrated into.

The survival of human societies lies in our coming together and remaining together, and not in our separation and pursing a policy of every nation fending for itself.

Of course, it is understandable that basic survival instinct will lead some people to assume that the best way of ensuring ones survival, is to pursue selfishly what they see as their self-interests. 

Which is what we see the current government of the United States doing, and is also something which tends to prioritise short-term, immediate desires over long-term goals. 

We can also see this irony playing out in Britain's  traumatic attempt to realise Brexit. 

Something which the nation is trying to resolve or enable by having an early general election. 

Though it is a measure which is probably unlikely to be successful in providing more than a respite for the protagonists.

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