Wednesday 6 November 2019


Which is why it is so ironic, paradoxical even, that, as the Brexiteers become more desperate, angry and indignant.  

By the legislative delays and parliamentary battles taking place over making Brexit a reality. 

So does the cause of their dismay fill the Remainers, those who want to remain citizens not just of Britain, but Europe, with hope that they and the rest of the country might yet be able to defeat the curse of Brexit. 

Like the Catalonians, the Kurds,  and others who see the future in separatism, the achievement of Britain leaving the European Union, is perceived as a new dawn for Brexiteers. 

While, for the Remainers, the pro-Europeans, the death of the Brexit dream represents the continuation of peoples and nations. 

Coming, remaining together in their battle, their struggle to achieve a more peaceful, equitable and prosperous world.

For the Remainers, the pro-Europeans, strength lies in uniting, in the smaller wanting to identify with and becoming more of a part of the larger entity. 

And yes, of course it is the case that, in coming together, peoples and nations have to shed aspects of their individual identities. 

So as to be able to take on more of the larger identity of the regional and/or global groupings of nations and peoples. 

To continued!

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