Monday 4 November 2019


There is no profit in pursuing Sainthood or Martyrdom, because they all lead to death, which is already the destiny of all living souls or entity. 

Why seek after pain and suffering when it cannot bring you pleasure, unless you happens to a sadist. 

Why seek after pleasure, through martyrdom, as you so lightly  describes and refers to it, when it only a means to your oblivion. 

An end to your existence, whether or not you believe this to be so. Why presenting yourself as being so eager to acquire martyrdom, when it is to be achieved through you subjecting.

Why would death, be it yours and/or that of those you wish to destroy, appeal to you so much so that you would wish to have it now, instead of later? 

What can be your motivation to become a martyr? Do you really believe that it can be to the advantage of your fellow humans, or your god that you should become a tool to speed the destruction of others and yourself/

Do you aspire to achieve martyrdom because of some rewards you thing you will be given in a nebulous domain, when your life is expired. 

Could it be that you are deceived, in wanting to give up the certainty of the life you now have and the chance of enjoying it. 

For an uncertain and most unlikely life and reward when you are dead. Think on it my fellow human, and consider how illogical such reasoning really is. 

So, seek not after martyrdom, but just to live your life as fully, peacefully and enjoyable as you are able to do. This is the wisdom of the ages.

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