Thursday, 19 December 2019


For as long as the common wisdom is that every working age person needs to have a viable job, in order to earn a liveable wage. 

The movement of people from one region, from one country to another, in order to earn money to support them and their families. Will remain a major and divisive problem.

This, then, is why the governments and nations of the world, need to work together to find a common solution to the problem of collectively meeting their people's welfare needs. 

And to do so in a manner which does not predicate it upon all people of working age having a sustainable and environmentally health job. 

A living allowance, yes, but not one that is dependant on working for the sake of being a part of, a cog, in the chain of a financial wealth producing economy. 

In the past and present, the wealthy elite did not and do not have to pursue 'wealth creating' employment. 

They had/have other people to do that for them and they accumulate the rewards. 

With the proliferation of automation and robots, is and will no longer be necessary for everybody of working age having to have a financial wealth creating job.  

As opposed to being employed in work with enriches their/our communities. 

Which should be the goal of the future, and a way of precluding the need for mass migration and immigration of people because of economic blight, or human induced environmental disasters.

Let the cry of the 21st Century and beyond, be that of  'a viable and sustainable living for all, for a fair contribution towards the common wellbeing of humanity.

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