There was a time in my life when rejected animism or the belief in inanimate objects, such as a statue, a wooden or stone sculptured object having 'magical' or 'god-like' power.
Whether for good or for evil. My refutation of such a belief was this: That how could anybody be so dumb as to think that this piece of wood, stone, etc, can have the power to do this or that think?
How can those who believe that such objects have the power which they are ascribing to them, not see that what they are saying does not make any sense at all?
But, such believers have and/or would have argued, it is not the 'object' that has this supernatural or 'godly power.' No, these objects are only the physical representation of 'our gods.'
Ah, how interesting is that rejoiner? Those of us who know a bit about the Abrahamic religions - Christianity, Islam and Judaism - stipulating that 'God' has forbidden humans from making so-called 'graven images' of him, will be thinking?
I can still recall how puzzled I had been, in the earlier stages of my 'religious quest.'
To be continued!
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