Monday 24 February 2020


To force on them anachronistic aspects of their culture, including dictating to them which animals, if any, they can kill and eat, and which they cannot.

Now, what I find most concerning, is how the BJP's programme is backward looking, and, in some respect, almost infantilistic. 

At its core, it seems, is the BJP's and its Hindus' theorists' attempt to re-invent the history of the country's Hindus.  

And the role of their fabled gods and deities in making India what it is, or, in accordance with their doctrine or religious script, what it was until the Muslims and, I suspect, the British rulers, changed it. 

This reminds me of how some people amongst the African Diaspora and Africanists, have sought to delve deep into African and ancient history, to both discover and uncover great kingdoms and empires of the past. 

The main difference with the BJP probably being that they want to 'recreate' this perceived 'great Hindu project or empire of the past.'

India has been officially a secular state, unlike its historical sister state, Pakistan. A virtue for which it has been much lauded for being the 'biggest democracy in the world.' 

Despite the fact that it is a country which has been ruled for most of its independence by 'dynastic families.

To be continued!

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