Wednesday, 12 February 2020


It is, as well as providing genuine assistance and support to these refugees, using their plight to carve out new realities on the ground, in an attempt to further its version of 'the New Ottoman Empire.' 

Turkey is into empire building, and is manipulating the unfortunate people of Syria into doing her bidding. 

She is endeavouring to create complex and interwoven realities with Syrian nationals and others. 

Which, she hopes, will make it very difficult and painful, if not impossible for them to do without the Turks as their handlers, benefactors, exploiters. 

It is like, well, we will give you food and water, we will even build houses for you and your children. But you owe us, you have to repay us with your unquestionable loyalty. Your soul now belongs to us.

Turkey's unjust and expansionist plans for Idlib, which is Syrian territory, is, like other countries such as Britain and Israel have done before, to take it over, occupy it and transform it and its people into a strategic enclave. 

To be continued!

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