Thursday, 13 February 2020


Which it hopes will push back Turkish and Syrian Kurds from its borders, and make them more secure. 

Of course, the problem with this kind of 'security through increased expansionism and occupation, is this. 

Once you push your own borders back into your neighbours' territory, and occupy and peopled those new territories.  

You still end up having a border which you have to 'secure', which creates the rationale for further expansion into and occupation of more of your neighbours' territories.

Which is why countries cannot and should not accept being subjected to and victimised by the application of this spurious strategy of 'defence through offence'. 

This 'doctrine of territorial security by means of territorial expansionism and occupation.' 

Countries which submit, willingly or unwilling to this doctrine, risk losing much of their territory. 

This applies to what the Israeli and American governments are planning for the Palestinians, as much as it doe to the Syrian state. 

To be continued!

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