Wednesday 25 March 2020


They are doing it because they have talked themselves and allowed themselves to come to believe that they have not alternative recourse to defeat the challenge of the coronavirus. 

The question they and all of us now have to answer is this: 

'Do we really think we have any better and sustainable alternative. Other than to demonstrate the same boldness, courage, and resoluteness.   

In meeting the much bigger challenges of Global climate change and the precipitous extinction of humans and all or most other living species?

It is interesting that us humans are so willing and/or accepting of the drastic actions which are being taken to protect us from the actuality and fear of the Coronavirus. 

Probably because of what we perceive as its imminency.  While not being so resolute in protecting our species from the much bigger, though not as evolutionarily imminent, threat of the extinction of our and other species.

So, am I hopeful that the nations of the world will take this opportunity to demonstrably commit to building the 'new world order'? 

Well, not can be build on 'hope'; only by applying ourselves determinedly to what needs to be done, and can be done. Such as building this 'new world order.' So, lets begin to build it.

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