'If your 'God' does not talk to you, now, then how do you know that you are on the right path, doing his will, as he requires of you?'
Indeed, an English edition of the Quran that I read, encourages the reader; the 'faithful', to seek after knowledge.
Now, what would be the point of seeking after knowledge, if, having found it, we do not use it to better inform ourselves about people and things, past, present and future?
Any belief and/or religion which requires the believer or the 'faithful', as it were. To put aside their critical reasoning or analytical prism, and apply 'blind faith or belief, when they examine that belief or the religion in question.
Is, I would argue, very problematic and ipso facto, illogical.
I have also rejected the what I will call, 'the theistic aspect' of all religions.
That being the premise or assumption or presumption that this and that, that any religion is based on some 'sacred 'God' given decree, 'holy scriptures, doctrines or texts.'
I have also rejected the religions which have as their 'core promise or reward', the offer of life after the death of our bodies, and/or, in the case of Hinduism, the promise of incarnation.
To be continued
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