Tuesday 14 April 2020


This, from the experience of human history, has consistently been show to be so; there is nothing mysterious about it. 

Just as how it is the case that, once dead, the body of all living organisms, including humans, begins to decay.

Some might say 'God' had given the reputedly dead Christ the equivalent of artificial resuscitation, but, again, only the gullible faithful would believe that. 

Just as how there is nothing tangible, no irrefutable evidence to prove that Christ did rise from being dead and resume living, if ever he really did live, so is there for irrefutable proof of evidence that 'God' existed.

The fact that millions, if not billions of humans have and continue to believe in 'God' and in Christ's reputed resurrection, does not amount to irrefutable proof that either event has taken place. 

It does not lessen their improbability and make them more credible. In all likelihood, the story of Christ's resurrection from the dead is just that; a story, and a fictitious one at that.

The fact that hundreds of millions of people continue to believe and act as if this most improbable of phenomenon had actually occurred. 

Is a testimony to fraudulent and manipulative power of religions. It is a testimony of how they, religions, are able, intergenerationally and over hundreds of years, to inveigle who societies and peoples into becoming their permanent hosts. 

And legitimising and  giving the appearance of 'fact' to their delusional and/or fraudulent recounting of events which have and have not taken place. 

As is the case with the fraudulent account of the supposed 'resurrection of Christ.' 

It would appear that, with religions, the bigger and more improbably the lie, the fraud and deception.  

The greater are their standing in the doctrines of the particular religion and others that make it a part of theirs.

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