Thursday 30 April 2020


The Trumpians rule is likely to last only for as long as their tenure of office.

Once they are out of office, it is more than likely that we, or the next generation, will see a return of power to the traditional liberal-democratic parties of the left and the conservatives. 

It is, after all, that, although a tsunami can and will, cause even permanent changes to the landscape, to the details of how the tide epps and flows. 

Like the navigation of the Sun and the Moon along the lunar and solar paths, they will continue to play their crucial roles in how we separate our nights and our days. 

Any disturbances in their cycles are more than likely to be only temporary, as judged by our human perceptions and timeframe.

Donald Trump and his powerful supporters have been able to hijack the Republicon Party of the U.S. Probably in a way not all that dissimilar from how Hitler and his henchmen had gained power in former Nazi Germany. 

But it is difficult, even though, admittedly, not impossible, to see another 'Trumpian' repeating the same feat in the United States, any time soon. 

The Americans will need time to recover from the damage Trump and his administration has inflicted on them. 

They and others who have been impacted have been burnt, badly, and will need time to forget and regain sufficient trust in their political system.  

Before generations, not having been directly impacted negatively, can be persuaded and deceived into giving the next deceiver or aspiring 'Messiah' a chance to take the reigns of power, to deliver the impossible dream of 'making America great again.

In this respect, while the dominance of the Trumpians is significant, in some cases, even probably catastrophic for one or two generations. 

Considered within the context of a longer historical period, its significance will be quite limited.

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