Monday 11 May 2020


However, difficult as it to accept and implement, reformed religious faiths could continue to play major roles in serving communities and countries in which they are based and/or operate.

Well, it could happen, logically, it should happen. But just as how wars could cease and it would be logical for people to stop making wars. 

There are vested interests involved; religions are, after all, mainly, originally, about acquisition, accumulation and exercise of mythical power over superstitious people. 

Like 'the word having become flesh', as it were, so has the religious myth have become solid and institutionalised in the people and their religious symbols.

And the possession and exercise of these is not something that the religious clergies and leaders are going to relinquish gracefully at anytime soon. 

Consequently, the acceptance of the demise of 'God', and the need for 'new religions' which is not predicated upon his existence, non-existence.  

Will have to continue to be a process of gradual enlightenment, rather than the result of any radical transformation. 

In the meantime, people such as the faithful will continue to believe in and worship 'God', because they fear him, love him, or have been forced by those who profess to fear him, to worship him and/or live their lives according his purported but unauthenticated word, or doctrines. 

And, ultimately, because they have been told that they will be rewarded for doing so, and punished for not accepting and obeying the scriptures. 

For now, then, it might seem conceivable that humans could and might, at some point in the future, congregate in a church, a mosque, a synagogue, a temple or any other place or building. 

To have and share a 'religious' or spiritual experience, without the need for a 'God' and/or the promise of an everlasting life, on which to focus their minds. 

It would appear that us humans, as a whole, have not yet reached that advance level of intellectual functioning and spiritual maturity. And until we, as a species do so, humanity is condemned or tasked, by the religious classes, to continue to toil, involuntarily for many or most of us, under the yoke of the various religious states, whether it be the Cross of Christendom, or the Crescent and Star of Islam, or the Star of Judaism, or the banner and symbols of Hinduism, Buddhism and other widely practices religious faiths. 

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